During a recent discussion on Twitter Adrian Pearson asked me whether I considered SageOne to be a SaaS solution. I replied:
What follows is some background as to why this is the case.
The Main Event
Late 2008, DuaneJackson, KashFlow CEO, asked me to accompany him to the BStartUp Expo at Kensington Olympia. Being my boss at the time, I curtsied reverently and off we went!
As is often the case, Sage were the major sponsor of the event. Hence the largest stand, dead centre and visible from all angles, with an army of staff. We got there latish and flew around quickly in anticipation of battling with the east London traffic on a Friday afternoon.
We stopped by the Sage stand on the way out as it would have been rude not to. TBH it was all pretty uninteresting as we made small talk with a couple of the guys. Until that is, I spied a laptop ticking away at the end of one of the counters. For some unknown reason I remarked to Duane that it looked like a SaaS solution!
To this day, I don't know what it was about the green and black screen that made me think that (what does a SaaS solution look like from about 15ft away?). As Duane rightly responded, Sage didn't have a cloud offering. As it happened, he was wrong (kind of) and uncannily, by chance, we happened to be chatting to the proud parents of (the soon to be) infamous SageLive. And I mean proud: they were positively bursting!
Situation Comedy
There then played out a classic, farcical, sitcom type scene whereby the guys could hardly contain themselves as Duane (by now, very interested) proceeded to rain down questions on them. All the answers had a common theme, such as:-
- "Yes, it is at least as good as KashFlow"
- "Yes, KashFlow are the main competitor"
- "Yes, it does this and that, just like KashFlow"
- "KashFlow are definitely the driver for developing this product"
- "Of course there are others, but KashFlow, KashFlow, KashFlow...."
Get the idea?
Here were representatives of a multi-billion pound organisation - one of the world's largest software companies and the UK's biggest - obsessed with a small start-up with about half a dozen staff and less than 2,000 customers, each paying £16 a month or less!!
After a couple more minutes of having his ego fed, Duane relented and showed them his business card! From here on in the whole scene just got really surreal. There was the delight as these guys realised they were not only meeting their hero but had a golden opportunity to talk to him as well as show off what they'd built. They just couldn't contain themselves. There was also the furtive glances of the Sagees as they whispered to each other (in effect) "That's KashFlow"!
If this all sounds like unlikely, over-dramatised, romanticised nonsense, good! It's meant to. Because that's what it was. That's what made the whole scene so surreal. To this day, one of the most surreal I've both witnessed and been part of.
The next few minutes was taken up with a brief dem and the general impression Duane had was that it seemed pretty good. Or that was at least the impression he gave, though he was only half taking it in! Likewise it looked OK to me (for what it's worth).
Ultimately, just how 'good' it was or wasn't, was besides the point. Duane was formulating a plan! Anyhoo, we finished up pretty quickly, quite abruptly in fact. Handshakes, back-slapping, card-swapping etc and off we marched leaving behind a cast of Cheshire Cats! "Wow, that was...and he liked it", etc etc etc.
An Education
So off we ran (pretty much), back to the car. Duane was excited to say the least. In hindsight, probably the most excited I've ever seen him! The next two hours we sat in that dreaded traffic-jam, trying to get back to the old KashFlow offices in Pitsea, Essex. And Duane didn't care one iota. He'd already got to work before we got to the car. Calling a small PR co and immediately on to pulling the strings.
The truth is we were really surprised to have stumbled across SageLive. There had been rumours of a Sage response to SaaS. Much debate about how and why Sage should and would react, or not. And the general consensus was that the sooner the elephant known as Sage, validated the market, the better for all those smaller SaaS vendors in their efforts to educate the marketplace! But until that day, there had been nothing.
Then out-of-the-blue, an unpublicized, public outing. Why? I don't know what their thinking was. What were they thinking? I don't know that such an action had even been sanctioned. But, it was a downright stupid thing to do. Made all the worse, because their perceived nemesis stumbled upon it and then had the savvy to know how to use it to a maximum effect. Made all the worse because they had a perceived nemesis! But more on this later.
This was pure gold of course to Duane and KashFlow and an education for me. Using mobile phone and 3G laptop, he did what the Sage PR and marketing machine had failed to do. Tell the world about it! Thus making sure that from then on in, every search and mention of SageLive came with 'added KashFlow'!!!! Here's the blog post that he wrote that very day.
This all took surprisingly little effort, but paid in spades. In both marketing and PR, but more importantly, trials and paying customers for KashFlow! As the news spread, all commentary noted Duane's part in unveiling the existence of SageLive.
Sage's initial 'no comment' type attitude was incredible. Incredibly, having kicked-off on a Friday evening seemed to mean that Sage weren't even aware of what was happening for two and a half days, at least! It was their product for Chrissakes! It was almost like they were embarrassed about it! By the time they started to deal with it, it was far, far, too late.
To this day Google SageLive and find all the commentary of it's appearance, existence and sudden demise in two short, but eventful months, from several high profile titles; all with a hat-tip to Duane Jackson/KashFlow, but nothing from Sage!!
How it all played out is almost legend and you can find it all easily enough. If you interested to know more, this is the infamous KashFlow post about 8 weeks after the Bstartup show revealing the glaring security holes that signalled the demise of SageLive. Should you want to know more about what happened, ping away and I'll try to help.
The point
Look, I got a real education being up close and personal, watching one guy and his bootstrapped startup pulling the strings of a multi-billion pound org: getting untold marketing mileage out of them and making sure any pathetic attempt they made to compete or even stomp on them just added fuel to the fire!
But, this is not some KashFlow 'love-fest' - in true BBC stylee, "other excellent SaaS accounting solutions do exist". Just trawl this blog to find plenty mentions of most of the other players! Or vendors can even tell us about yourselves in the comments below, if you like.
I had to mention what it was like from (my perspective) the KashFlow side of the fence whilst on the subject (I've been asked about this a few times), but the main reason for telling this story is to lay the foundations as to 'why and how Sage is fighting a losing battle in going toe-to-toe with the SaaS vendors in the UK' (part 2 of this post).
The fact that Sage made a complete pigs-ear of SageLive from a technical POV is symptomatic of the fact, not the reason why. My personal experience is a good example of what is probably true throughout the software industry. The follow-up to this post recalls other anecdotes from the intervening three years as well as diving into this debacle and gels nicely to prove the point. Meanwhile I'll let you digest this.
Footnote: The title to this post is a homage to the glorious Spike Milligan; paraphrasing the title of one of his seven short autobiographies (Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall - on Amazon for less than £5!!) which are all truly hilarious genius and highly recommended.
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