Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Enough of Your Bloody Excuses

Don’t ask me why it’s taken me so long to get this project up and running. I don’t know. A curious hybrid of perfectionism and procrastination, so the evidence would suggest. But ultimately as any half-decent CEO might say, the excuses don’t wash. In fact they’re pretty pathetic really. If it’s a worthwhile exercise, then get on with it. If not. then there are plenty of exercises that are. Like exercising! Sure I've been busy with a handful of SaaSy projects, Most of  my time this year taken up by my 'new' 'day job' at MyPAYE - the Online Payroll Solution. But if there's one abiding mantra in web-based offerings, I'd say it's "if it's worth doing, get on with it"! I didn't get the irony for soooo long!

I’ve got loads of plans for this blog; things I’d like to do, hopes and dreams and all that, but that's no excuse for further delay. So like any good webapp here it is: not half-baked, but with plenty of scope for improvement and flexibility in just how SaaSintheUK will evolve, both in design and feature-set. And content of course. 

I like to think that I pretty much get it when it comes to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and seeing through the hype that swirls about it. I mean, I tend to understand why and how things work commercially or not. Why they fly et al. One of the many, many compelling things about the SaaS model is the inherent agility and the speed that things can get done. One of the necessities of competing and even getting ahead (let alone keeping up) is being able to get good ideas out the door and quick. Then tailor accordingly. This is just as true for a completely new product as it is for an update of course. There’s a lesson in there somewhere I’m sure!

SaaSintheUK is somewhere to drop by after a hard days SaaSing; pour yourself a drink (you've earnt it) and catch-up on what’s happening. Of course, we won’t be complaining should you decide to drop by earlier in the day, but we can't condone anything stronger than proper coffee!!

OK so the design isn’t up to much. TBH it really doesn’t matter what it looks like at this stage. My frustrations at not being able to nail that just yet is of no real consequence. Will we see you again is of far more import? Will we be able to maintain any kind of momentum with regard to content, let alone consistency? Will anyone be interested at all, whatsoever? And I daren’t ask, "will the world keep turning without it"? I mean, like all the accounting apps, the CRM solutions and the document management offerings etc, it's another SaaS blog.

So here it is. I hope you like it. Of course. And that over time, you feel it’s worthwhile. Tell us what you think. Fire away. A sitting target after all.  Ideas. Comments. Critiques. Criticism. Even insults; lots of insults. Lets make this work and have fun doing so.

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